Here's some things that people tend to ask. For anything else, call us anytime: 03330509459
Smart Gym provides a generous range of strength and cardio equipment and accessories whilst maintaining ample centre floor space for independent workouts.
✔︎ Treadmills x3
✔︎ Stair climbers x2
✔︎ Ski-Trainers x3
✔︎ Rowers x3
✔︎ Assault bikes x3
✔︎ Cross trainers x2
✔︎ Recumbent bikes x2
✔︎ Multi-functional resistance machine (smith, pulleys, accessories, plates, etc.)
✔︎ Eleiko adjustable squat rack x2
✔︎ Eleiko weightlifting bar (20kg)
✔︎ Eleiko weight plates (1.75kg-25kg)
✔︎ Plyo jump boxes
✔︎ Boxing gloves (adult and kids)
✔︎ Full-length heavy bag
✔︎ Focus pads
✔︎ Kettlebells (4kg-32kg)
✔︎ Dumbells (1kg-30kg)
✔︎ Adjustable benches x3
✔︎ Adjustable step benches x2
✔︎ 25kg hex bar
✔︎ 10kg EZ/curl bar
✔︎ 10kg training bar
✔︎ 16kg olympic Bar
✔︎ 20kg olympic bar
✔︎ Sand bags
✔︎ Studio barbells
✔︎ Battle ropes
✔︎ Resistance bands
✔︎ Inflatable exercise balls
✔︎ Ab rollers
✔︎ Foam rollers
✔︎ Slam balls
✔︎ Yoga mats
✔︎ Yoga blocks
✔︎ Skipping ropes
Extra features:
✔︎ Full Body Composition Monitor (scales)
✔︎ GIMA tape height measure
✔︎ Smart mirrors/Spotify access
✔︎ Water coolers
✔︎ Private shower rooms
✔︎ Premium coffee machine with locally roasted coffee (
✔︎ High chairs
✔︎ Jumparoos
✔︎ Toys & creche facilities
The soft gym is designed with 0-8 year olds in mind. There is no age limit – it really depends on how comfortable the parent and child/baby copes with separation.
The open gym should not be used by any child under the age of 8.
All children using the open gym must be accompanied by their parent or carer.
We ask that all children and parents receive a thorough induction with one of our instructors and that parents ensure their children maintain safe and respectful use of the equipment.
Please note: if a child wants to play, that's why we have the creche/soft gym - please don't let them carry on in the gym.
Discounts available:
25% off 12-month membership + no joining fee
20% off 6-month membership + no joining fee
10% off 3-month membership + no joining fee
Cost examples:
From £16.50/month + £0 joining fee (1 adult + child) if paid annually.
From £17.50/month + £0 joining fee (1 adult + 1 child) if paid biannually.
From £20/month £0 joining fee (1 adult + 1 child) if paid quarterly.
From £22/month + £10 joining fee (1 adult + 1 child) if paid monthly.
We offer a range of no-contract, all inclusive, monthly memberships:
• Individuals (1 adult + child): £22
• Individuals (1 adult + 2 children): £32
• Individuals (1 adult + 3 children): £42
• Families (2 adults + 2 children): £38
• Families (2 adults + 3 children): £48
• Additional children: £10
• Seniors: £12
• Corporate (blocks of 5-100): £19
Unless you purchase 3, 6 or 12 months in advance, Individiual and family meberships are subject to a one-off £10 joining fee, and seniors meberships are subject to a £5 joing fee.
Please note: free child access is a membership perk and does not reflect adult prices – if you don't have children, the prices are still the same.
Yes, adults are £5/session and children are £3.50/session.
We do not recommend paying this way as there can be complications with entry, plus memberships are much more cost effective and they're contract-free.
If you do choose to PAYG, please contact us with your name and email address a`fter booking so we can send you an access link for the doors.
No. At £22/month, we're still one of the most affordable gyms out there. You will still benefit from our non-commercial vibe, no-contract pledge, convenient location, free parking, private free weight area and free coffee.
If you would prefer to have your baby in the pram or buggy beside you whilst you workout, that's not a problem.
Yes, there is a free car park right outside our back door on Brockburn Terrace (just off Brockburn Road).
For bicyles, you can either either leave them inside by the reception desk, or chain them to the fence outside by the security camera which can be seen live from the gym.
Yes, the network is Smart Gym and the password is Workitout
The "Soft Gym" is open for play 7am-9pm and managed by our amazing creche supervisors 10am-12noon, 7 days a week.
We keep our membership prices low and do not charge members additional fees for supervision, so even if you can only make a couple of mornings a week – weekends, for example – you'll still get this wonderful service at incredible value.
For supervised options, please book at least an hour in advance via Glofox App (the one you'll use to join).
The gym is also pram/buggy/car seat friendly (common sense permitting!) if you feel your child is not ready for the Soft Gym or you'd like more flexibility in terms of access hours.
We also have jumparoos which come in very handy at times!
Yes, we do not tie people into contracts.
(Updated 23/07/2024)
All classes are free for members:
Take a screenshot of our timetable here
We also offer personal training at an additional cost.
You can see our timetable by downloading the Glofox App (link below) and finding: "Smart Gym CIC – Glasgow".
Here, you'll be able to create your own profile, book and ammend sessions either as a member or on a Pay As You Go basis.
We are based in The Wedge at Silverburn Roundabout, just off the M77 (Barrhead cut-off). The gym sits on the corner of Barrhead and Brockburn Road in Pollok, diagonal to Cineworld at Silverburn shopping centre.
Sure, just call us on 03330509459 and we'll arrange a trial session for you.
Not for the main gym, but creche/Soft Gym, weight room and classes should be prebooked. This can bge done easily through the Glofox App where we can be found under "Smart Gym CIC – Glasgow". Download it on the link below:
No, multiple children cannot share the same membership, even if they're coming at different times.
You should add all children onto you membership profile and let us know which child(ren) you wish to have free access. Then you can pay for the other(s) by card upon booking.
Individual memberships (£22) come with free access for one child, family memberships (£38) include free access for up to two children.
You can then pay as you go for the other(s) at £3.50/session or £10/month.
We have two private shower rooms, each comprising a toilet, sink, shower, and plenty of space to get changed.
The majority of people who join Smart Gym are beginners so all equipment and classes are beginner-friendly. We also have a no creep policy - anyone acting innapropriately (e.g. teasing, recording, staring, etc.) towards other members or their children will have their membership revoked. Please report any suspicious activity to
The gym is accessible by ramp via the main entrance to The Wedge during normal working hours (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm).
Entrance by stairs-only before 9am and after 5pm via the back door at the car park side of the gym.
There are two private shower rooms in the gym comprising a toilet, shower and sink. These are are wheelchair accessble.