Terms of Service

Terms of Service

Welcome to Smart Gym. We are dedicated to providing a safe, enjoyable, and inclusive environment for individuals and families. By purchasing a membership and utilising our facilities, you agree to the following Terms of Service. Please read these terms carefully before participating in any activities at Smart Gym CIC.


1. Membership Eligibility

  Membership is available to individuals of all ages. Adults and children are both welcome, and parental or guardian supervision is required for minors (under 16)

2. Membership Duration

  Memberships are available for various durations (monthly, quarterly, annually). The specifics of membership duration and any associated fees will be provided during the registration process.

3. Payment

  All membership fees must be paid in advance. Payment methods will be outlined during the sign-up process. Membership fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

All memberships are non-contactual so may cancel your subscription at any time.

Required Agreements

1. Parental Agreement and Waiver

  Every new member, particularly those with children, will receive a Parental Agreement and Waiver via email upon joining. This document outlines the roles, responsibilities, and risks involved in participating in our activities.

2. Code of Conduct

  A Code of Conduct will also be sent to every new member. This document specifies the behavioral expectations while using our facilities and participating in programs.

3. Signing Requirement 

  The Parental Agreement and Waiver, along with the Code of Conduct, must be read, understood, and signed before participation in any gym activities. Participation without these signed documents is not permitted.

Code of Conduct

1. General Behaviour

  All members and guests are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner. Disruptive, abusive, or discriminatory behavior will not be tolerated and may result in termination of membership.

2. Facility Usage

  Members must follow all posted rules and instructions from staff regarding the use of equipment and facilities.

3. Safety 

  Your safety and the safety of others is a top priority. Members must engage in physical activities within their personal capability and should not participate if feeling unwell or incapacitated.

Creche Policy

1. Creche Services

  Our creche is available for members to allow parents to exercise while their children are cared for. The creche will have specified operating hours and capacity limits.

2. Age Limits 

  Children ages 6 weeks to 12 years are welcome in the creche. Parents must provide accurate information regarding the age and health status of their children to ensure safety.

3. Health and Safety

  All children must be free from contagious illnesses to attend the creche. Parents should not leave children in creche facilities if they exhibit signs of illness.

Parental Agreement and Waiver must be adhered to at all times.

Liability Waiver

By entering the Smart Gym CIC, you acknowledge and accept that engaging in physical activities involves inherent risks. You agree that Smart Gym CIC, its staff, and affiliates are not liable for any injuries sustained while using our facilities or during participation in activities.

Modifications and Termination

1. Modification of Terms

  Smart Gym CIC reserves the right to change, modify, or update these Terms of Service at any time without prior notice. Members will be notified of any significant changes.

2. Termination of Membership

  Smart Gym CIC reserves the right to terminate or suspend a membership at any time for violations of these Terms of Service, the Code of Conduct, or other policies in effect.

Contact Information

For questions or concerns regarding these Terms of Service, please contact us at:

Smart Gym CIC

The Wedge, 1066 Barrhead Road, Glasgow, G53 5AB



By using our services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms of Service. Thank you for choosing Smart Gy.

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